Make Sure Your Message Is Heard: 5 Easy Ways To Improve Your Live Streaming Audio

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January 21, 2021

Now that live streaming your church’s services is the norm, it’s time to make sure that your live stream is as engaging as your sermon would be in person. One way to do that is by improving your audio quality.

We know that churches are not production studios, but there are still ways to prevent muffled sounds, background noises, and distortions in volume that can discourage your congregants from engaging with your live stream.

At LiveControl, we monitor your audio and ensure that your message is heard during your live stream. Here are a few things that you can do to give your congregation high quality live streaming audio.

1. Higher quality equipment.

The built-in microphone in your video camera does not make for good quality audio in your live stream. If you can, a direct connection to your sound console or a good external microphone that can plug in to your encoding hardware or software would be ideal.

Investing in a good quality microphone will pay off when your congregants are able to experience your sermons with crystal clear sound quality.

2. Monitor your audio.

How can you test whether you can hear your speakers before broadcasting your live stream? You can monitor your audio by plugging your headphones into your camera to monitor sound quality. This is the easiest way to find out what your audience hears and detect problems immediately.

3. Place your mic close to the audio source.

If you are able to, using wireless mics for pastors, priests, and the speakers during your service will get you as close as you can to your audio source. If not, make sure that any speakers stay close to the mic. Test this out by putting the mic in different locations to see what works best for your audio quality and for your speakers. 

4. Eliminate background noise.

You may not be able to get rid of all background noise, but it is worth doing what you can to eliminate ambient noise that might be coming from electronics, appliances, or through open windows.

5. Muffle any unwanted sounds.

Even though you aren’t in a recording studio, you can still reduce echos and unwanted noises by using rugs or carpets to prevent the sound of creaks or footsteps across the floor appearing during your live stream.

These tips can make a huge impact on the audio quality of your live stream. If you’re interested in learning how we can help you improve the quality of your church’s live stream, schedule a free demo with our team here.

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